Westmoreland High School
Caitlyn Notaro teaches at Westmoreland High School, in a small town west of Utica in Upstate New York. She learned about The Memory Project Productions Face to Face program and received a curriculum kit at the New York State Art Teachers Association conference in 2017.
How a Russian Emigré I Never Met Changed My Life
I met New York artist Roz Jacobs at a Valentine’s Day party in 1979, when she was 23 and I was 21 years old.
PS/IS 128 at the Museum of Jewish Heritage
Laurie and Roz held a workshop at the Museum of Jewish Heritage for 60 students from PS/IS 128 in Queens
Calkins Road Middle School
We recently heard from Stephanie Warchol, a teacher at Calkins Road Middle School in New York. She held a Memory Project workshop for her students who are collaborating with students in Israel.
80 Years after Kristallnacht
Today marks the 80th anniversary of Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass. On November 9, 1938, Nazi officers and German civilians unleashed a campaign of violent demonstrations against Jews across Germany and Austria.
Why we must all vote
As someone who has had the privilege of knowing people who survived the Holocaust, I am keenly aware of what can happen when a government runs amok. The unfulfilled promise of “Never again” requires each of us to remain engaged in doing our part to defend decency and protect democratic institutions from eroding.
Auschwitz Jewish Center
Our friends at the Auschwitz Jewish Center (in Oświęcim, Poland) recently got in touch to tell us that they have been holding Memory Project workshops regularly for students. They use the workshops as an opportunity to learn about the stories of prewar Jewish residents of the town.
Independence Day, the rule of law and the rule of conscience
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is an inalienable right
Why do I know so little about these June holidays?
I promised myself and my generous readers that I would write. So here I sit, researching topics triggered by the calendar--holidays or tremendous significance that I knew almost nothing about. I'm humbled by how much I don't know and hope you'll find this informative.