May 2015 Portrait of the Month - Benjamin Cukierman

Benjamin Cukierman

Lucas J. created this portrait and reflected on his experience:

What was it like to spend so much time looking at a a photograph and then making a portrait based on the photo?
In my opinion it is easier to copy a picture than drawing some real object. This is what we basically did for this project, but we did something different that I had never done before: drawing the picture upside down. Drawing like that was more about following the shadows than drawing a person, because when you are drawing a picture of a face, you try to make the eyes, the mouth, etc.

Write a caption for the portrait that you made. It can say something about the person or something about your feelings making the portrait.
Binim Cukierman. One of the family members of the best bakeries of Poland, their cakes were so delicious that people would come from different cities just to buy one of them. He was sent to a concentration camp, with his wife and the rest of his family. He died during 1944.

What do you think you will remember about this experience? Why?
This way of painting that was new for me and it's really fun and interesting.


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