July 2017 Portrait of the Month - Laló Erdélyi

Laló Erdélyi

July’s Portrait of the Month is of Laló Erdélyi (pronounced LAH-low air-day-ee). It was created by a high school student at Apáczai Csere János (pronounced ah-paht-tsay-ee chayray ya-nohsh) Gymnasium in Budapest, Hungary. The artist caught the tenderness of the subject with his sweet half-smile, while observing interesting shapes created by the light and shade. Laló appears to be emerging out of light, even though the story of his youth is so dark.

This portrait was created at a workshop held on the school's Tolerance Day. It was part of Hungary's Holocaust Remembrance Day, established to honor and remember Hungarian Jews who suffered during the Holocaust. 

The workshop was organized and conducted by Zachor Foundation for Social Remembrance and we thank them. 


August 2017 Portrait of the Month - Anna Maria Steinbach


Look and Don’t Forget