February 2016 Portrait of the Month - Adam Kahane

Adam Kahane

February's Portrait of the Month was created by a student at the Artistic High School in Częstochowa, Poland. 150 students participated in the workshop and 300 people saw the Memory Project exhibit.

Częstochowa is a significant place in Anna Jacobs' personal history, so it was especially meaningful to hold a Memory Project workshop there.In June 1942, the munitions manufacturer HASAG opened a forced labor camp in Skarżysko-Kamienna, one of six camps they established during the war. By September of that year, Anna Jacobs was sent to work there. During her time at the camp, Anna was part of a secret network that helped distribute money to the neediest prisoners. In May 1944, in the wake of the advancing Allied armies, the Skarżysko-Kamienna was liquidated, and Anna was sent to a HASAG camp in Częstochowa. She remained there for several months until she was liberated on January 18th, 1945. 


The Magic of The Memory Project


January 2016 Portrait of the Month - Simon Gelbart